Ceremony Enhancements

Wedding ceremonies do not have to be the simple "I DO" type.
For a more personal and memorable ceremony, please consider
incorporating a Ceremony Enhancement.
Ceremony Enhancements are mini ceremonies within your
wedding ceremony that are a wonderful way to express your love
together and emphasize a specific point that is important to you as a couple.
Below is a list of Ceremony Enhancements but the possibilities for
customizing your own ceremony is truly only limited to your imagination.
The Breaking of the Glass Ceremony
Meaning - The ceremony can represent the fragility and challenges a couple will face as a married couple and be a wish for strength that they can endure it together.
The Broom Jumping Ceremony
Meaning - The jumping of the broom is a symbol of sweeping away of the old and welcoming the new, or a symbol of a new beginning.
The Wine Box Ceremony
Meaning - This ceremony is a promise that the couple make to one another to not walk away quickly from their marriage if they run into hard times.
The Child Acknowledgement Ceremony
Meaning - The Child acknowledgment Ceremony is an endearing way to incorporate the couple's children into their ceremony.
The Chocolate Ceremony
Meaning - This ceremony is fun for couples that enjoy chocolate. It represents that chocolate nourishes the soul and that life can be bitter and sweet both like a marriage can be.
The Goldfish Ceremony
Meaning - This ceremony visually depicts how the couple is combining their together by getting married and will share a home.
The Salt Ceremony
Meaning - This Ceremony Enhancement has the participants promise to commit themselves to each other for life.
The Sand Ceremony
Meaning - This ceremony visually depicts how the couple is blending their lives together by getting married.
The Unity Candle Ceremony (Not recommended for outdoor weddings)
Meaning - This ceremony visually depicts how the couple is joining their lives and that they are supported by their family or honored guests.